
1 topics Strumelia

FAQ/Site Rules- please read! :)

» Please READ our site rules before posting anything.
6 topics Strumelia

Site QUESTIONS ? How do I...?

» Post a NEW DISCUSSION THREAD here if you have a question or confusion about using our site. PLEASE- indicate the subject in the TITLE of your thread! Use a descriptive title like "How to delete a photo?" instead of a title like "Need Help".
17 topics michael

Off Topic discussions

» Discussions about non-music and non-pennywhistle-related topics. Sociable musings on various subjects! Please, no political or religious discussions.
27 topics Strumelia

General penny whistle or music discussions

» Musical subjects of interest to all tin whistle players and musicians.
9 topics Chifmunk

Instruments- discuss specific whistle features, brands, tweaking, problems, questions

» Want to talk about or ask about a particular whistle or about penny whistles available from certain makers? Talk about specific whistle brands, keys, types of material, tweaking whistles, ask for help with a problem your whistle has...
5 topics michael

Penny whistle Resources:TABS/Books/websites/DVDs/videos

» Discussions about learning books, DVDs, TAB, recordings, new whistle websites or videos...all the materials that help us learn to play the tin whistle.
4 topics Martha Campbell

Whistle playing techniques - questions/help

» For discussing specific whistle playing techniques and tips, ornamentation, practice skills, etc.
2 topics michael

Playing and jamming difficulties...HELP ME!

» Having trouble playing? Just starting out? Confused? Not sure how to play with others in a jam? Don't be afraid to ask. Post here and you'll get help! (Be sure to join our Beginners GROUP as well)
5 topics Chifmunk

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

» Talk about the 'other' instruments you play here, and your penny whistle won't get jealous!
1 topics Strumelia

Jams/Sessions, band events, workshops, member gigs

» Post your workshop, your band's concerts, smaller events, recurring sessions and jams, your own performances, house concerts, small local festivals, etc. Please include the DATE in your thread TITLE. (For larger festivals and events only: please list via your profile page 'Events' Tab to add to the site's main Festivals/Events section.)
1 topics godogs

FOR SALE:instruments/music items/CDs/Wanted to Buy...

» Please read our FAQ/SITE RULES about selling BEFORE posting here! You can post penny whistle and music-related items you are selling. You can also post 'Wanted' music items.