Wishing everyone all the best for 2022
The Positive Thread
Just wanted to wish folks everywhere a merry Christmas happy Hanukkuh happy holidays and festive Festivus! May your week be cozy, safe, and lovely. 🎄
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
We've had our 2 doses, & just coming up for a booster jab, so we have been able to get about a bit, but still need to wear them in confined spaces, like shops, ideally, but not everyone does, unfortunately.
On a brighter note, I am beginning to get out on my adult kick scooters, just that the legs need strengthening up more, before I can do any real distances, so won't really be doing much now until the Spring, it's cold & it's been wet too.
Guess I'll just have to get back to the whistles, flutes, & harmonicas.....
I find I've gotten more used to wearing masks. Of course I think though it must be hard to wear one for many hours. A well fitting one does make a difference in comfort. I bet as more and more folks get vaccinated and protected, the risk and numbers of sick will continue to drop until we can all be relatively safe again. Here's hoping!
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
I'm required to wear a mask eight miserable hours a day at my fantastic job. It is becoming near unendurable.
TD Trad brass high D piccolo arrived this morning, it plays well, & isn't at all shrill sounding, in fact, it has quite a nice tone.
Playing simple system flutes, whistles, & piccolos isn't that hard to do actually, that's probably the reason I get on with them so well.
updated by @keith: 07/20/19 07:57:41AM
I'm impressed by folks who can play whistles, flutes, piccolos, and recorders!  They are similar enough so as to make it confusing to switch around, I imagine. I find it's easier to play multiple instruments IF they are substantially different from each other so it doesn't trip me up.
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
I still like to try new things out - if at the right price.
An opportunity to buy/try a Susato Eb at a reasonable price (£19) has come up , it has been lying around the dealers for a couple of years, evidently, so I ordered it, this will be my first Susato.
I also came across a brand new Tony Dixon TRAD brass high D piccolo, going fairly cheaply too, (including postage £18.19).
I do like to play & switch between them often, as it keeps my interest up - also my harmonicas, between chromatics & tremolos.
I do like this music hobby.
If you have a goodly set of nice whistles that you like and play well, I see no reason to keep buying more indefinitely anyway.Â
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

Had a nice afternoon of playing my Howard low D, Shearwater low F, my Thunderbird A, my TD Trad A, & a quick burst on my TD Duo C whistle - then just for kicks, put the flute head back onto my TD ally A, & had a quick burst on that too.
updated by @keith: 04/23/19 01:36:02PM
Well, so far this year, I have been playing my instruments more than last year, & also enjoying the practicing more too - perhaps because I'm getting better at playing them, (at least my tunes are more recognizable by others now ).
updated by @keith: 01/30/19 07:24:30AM
I wonder how long it will take me to learn another tune to be able to play it from memory........
With practice - I'm sure you'll work out the best way to play it, Larry, I couldn't even reach the bottom hole of my low D flute when I got it.
(You can always try playing it using your pinky.)
updated by @keith: 01/28/19 11:50:14AM
Keith that's great! It all starts with just one tune. Â
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
My positive- last night I played a little bit of medieval simple tunes in F minor/dorian mode, on my Eb Freeman Blackbird whistle, with my husband playing fiddle in F modal. We made lots of mistakes but had fun!
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Keith, are the holes spacings exactly the same on your two differnt Dixon A whistles, or does one have holes closer together/easier reach?
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
We just got back after a four hour drive to attend Cherish the Ladies' Christmas concert in Tulsa.
Joanne Madden's whistle playing was beyond beautiful. It was amazing how a lowly whistle voice could soar above a full orchestral accompaniment. I was completely captivated and thrilled by the whole evening.
Yes I do like Norman as well. I treat the bell note (lowest note on the whistle) as a D despite what key the whistle actually is. That way, when I read a tune in standard notation, if the notation is in key of G (which has one sharp, an F#) I know I need to locate the tonic note with 3 fingers down and play a 'Cnatural' fingering in the tune. And when the standard notation is in D (which has an F# and C#), I know the tonic note is with 6 fingers down and that I'll need to play the C# fingering instead of the C natural.
I agree we're all doing the same.Â
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
updated by @strumelia: 12/10/18 12:16:31PM
Hi Keith. I think most of us do the same thing, but because D is the whistle most people start with, we treat D as the bell note of our whistle regardless of the actual key of the whistle. I transpose most tunes to D or G.
After all I came to the whistle from the mountain dulcimer and I have tons of stuff tabbed out in D.
I can see I'm confusing you all........
What I mean is that I will be playing in the key of C, mentally, but the tune will be played in the key of the whistle.
If I use a key of A whistle, where the notation shows a C note, I will finger it as a C note on a key of C whistle, but it will actually be played as an A note, key of A.
Likewise, if I use a key of D whistle, & I play a C note, mentally, but the whistle actually plays a D note - transposing from C to D, etc.
If I try to play in the key of the whistles, I would have to transpose for each different key, therefore I intend to play them as if they were all C instruments.
(Kind of like playing whistle tab on a different keyed whistle.)
updated by @keith: 12/10/18 10:43:24AM
I'm a bit confused by that as well.
So you're referring to when reading standard notation, then? Keith does that mean you never use for example the C# note on a D whistle when playing?... because the key of C has no sharps, thus if you played 'as if it were in C" you'd only be playing the C natural on a d whistle.
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
I have a number of Fake Books whose tunes are generally in the key of C.
So I have decided to play all my whistles in the C fingering style, (should only take a little bit of time to retrain my brain), but by doing so it will make things easier swapping between my various instruments.
I have no intention to play along with sessions, or anything of that nature, just play for my own enjoyment - & that's probably a good thing, because I don't suppose anyone else likes my playing anyway.
I don't get the brass smell on my fingers either.Doesn't matter how long I play for.
I've got a Jerry Freeman tweaked Generation in D and a Killarney whistle in D, both brass.
The Jerry Freeman is tarnished and I think it looks great,the Killarney is only a few days old and is starting to show some tarnish already which is fine by me.
You'll have to accept the brass whistles' tarnish wear spots around the fingerholes, that comes with playing over time,like here:
I kinda like that 'look'. There's also the smell of brass on your fingertips after playing- it's a subtle thing, but some people dislike it a lot. I don't mind it myself, smells a little 'elemental'/metallic.
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Can you hear any consistent difference between the brass and the nickel? Or is it hard to tell?
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Where? ;)
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Norman, thanks for telling us this- it does warm the heart. So wonderful that you played for everyone to honor our country's veterans.
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
@keith , that's sweet of you! Â
My positive thing today was getting some new cat toys in the mail to introduce to our kitties, and also just now heading out the door to have a nice coffee in town before I return home to start work.Â
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990