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Country: France

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@mateusz • 3 months ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Svirel (a tin whistle in disguise)":
"Yes, your link works. It is only mine that does not work for some reason (but the shortened URL I posted last does lead to the youtube video all right)...."
@mateusz • 3 months ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Svirel (a tin whistle in disguise)":
"Martha Campbell:That is very cool, I did know know about these svirel. Pretty sound. Can you say what makes svirels different from pennywhistles then, aside..."
@mateusz • 3 months ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Svirel (a tin whistle in disguise)":
"Martha Campbell:Wow those are such pretty instruments!  Are they wooden? Yes, it is maple wood. They are hand made by Oleg, a musician from a town near..."
@mateusz • 3 months ago • comments: 0
Created a new forum topic "Svirel (a tin whistle in disguise)":
"Hello, I am a tin whistle beginner (started last year). I recently discovered the Svirel (a slavic flute). The 6-hole version of this flute is nearly..."