Show us a pic of the PRETTIEST whistle you own!

Martha Campbell
Martha Campbell
10 months ago
15 posts

I like the traditional look of plain brass on a penny whistle, doesn't matter to me if it's bright and polished or tarnished with use. Definitely not fancy, but it's just lovely to my eye. 
play rogue-whistles

I wonder, has anyone ever seen a copper pennywhistle?  (with a plastic mouthpiece I would assume)

updated by @martha-campbell: 06/03/24 09:07:44AM
4 years ago
145 posts

....coming back to this - I think my Howard low D, or my MK Kelpie low F are probably the best looking whistles in my collection, & they are both black, the Howard is brass, whilst the MK is aluminium.

5 years ago
145 posts

Oh, how could I possibly pick just one..... flute

5 years ago
155 posts

Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, so maybe you only own one inexpensive  beat-up whistle ...but it's the apple of your eye!
Regardless of what others might think and regardless of how it plays or sounds, post a picture here (use the 'embed local media' button OR the 'attach files' button to upload a pic, OR else just post a link to a picture) of the whistle you own that is beautiful to you.     :)   We could all use a little shared beauty in our lives these days!  inlove

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