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Allfinding early tunes sheet music
I find some good Renaissance tunes for my pennywhistle sometimes by...
@Martha Campbell last year - Comments: 3
What is the LOWEST key of whistle you've ever played?
Tell us about the LOWEST whistle you've ever had a chance to try out or...
@Martha Campbell 7 years ago - Comments: 13
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I know a high D whistle is considered normal or high. And a low D...
@Martha Campbell 7 years ago - Comments: 4
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Alljam etiquette question
Posted: Tuesday February 6 2024, 9:00 PM
By: @Martha Campbell
By: @Martha Campbell
Hey, I've heard that the Maine Fiddle camp is really enjoyable. Personally, I feel it's better to attend a mixed instrument music camp that has pennywhistle workshops, than it would be to attend just a pennywhistle workshop someplace by itself. That's because (imho) the absolute BEST way to get better on an instrument is by playing music in jams with other instruments mixed in. Go for it! You have nothing to lose, since even if you can't keep up you'll gain amazing experiences and inspiration to keep at it. Plus you'll likely make some new music friends. :)
thanks for the welcome. i'm hoping to find a pennywhistle music camp to attend next summer somewhere in the east. i know that maine fiddle camp runs a pennywhistle program week , mostly irish trad, during the 1st and 2nd weeks of august. subscribe to their website and you can download 8 years of trad music , searchable by name .