Your Whistling

Martha Campbell
Martha Campbell
10 months ago
15 posts

"How did you get interested in the penny whistle?"

I have vague memories of my father playing the recorder and the flute when i was very little (he passed away when i was 4). I suspect that's part of the reason I've always been fond of the sound of woodwind instruments... flutes, whistles, recorders.

Michael W6
Michael W6
4 years ago
51 posts

Ah!  I had completely forgotten that thread which I have a post on,  Anyway, quite a part from whistle talk, has American rap poisoned English culture? 

Michael W6
Michael W6
4 years ago
51 posts

I have an Airy Tale D and a C from goldfinch which I quite like.  The Airy sounds very nice but has a tendency to clog. Do you have links to the reviews you mention?  

4 years ago
145 posts

Let us all know what you think of your Goldfinch, when you get them, I've heard mixed feelings about them on the Chiff & Fipple forum.

Michael W6
Michael W6
4 years ago
51 posts

I, too have been playing an A and G.  Mine are by James Becker of Becker Whistles.   I like the lower, mellow sound, especially of the A.  And as July has three pay checks, a time and a half holiday and a rise, I have purchased a A and G from Goldfinch Whistles, Poland. 

4 years ago
145 posts

My most played are low 'F', low 'G', & 'A' - they just feel right in my hands, & have a nicer quality of sound than the higher ones, to my ears.

Michael W6
Michael W6
4 years ago
51 posts

I had to search the conversion rate for pounds and USD,  I have a several high and whistles like that and they're sweet.  Still I find myself playing the low cost Becker's most often.

4 years ago
145 posts

Most of mine are at the cheap end, just a few in the £80~100+ area, & those were mainly acquired pre used.

Howard low D & MK Kelpie low F were my main expenditure.

updated by @keith: 07/12/21 11:14:35AM
Michael W6
Michael W6
4 years ago
51 posts

Hummm.  I cannot tell if you are serious or playful.  Whistles in my collection are from $20 to $200.  I've had very few really bad whistles and some very nice whistles in the $20 range such as Becker Whistles.  The Bruke and Reyburn are the high end ones and yes they sound sweet.   I'd like to try a Carbony but at $260 to $500, no.

4 years ago
145 posts

....& most of them are so affordable! flute

Michael W6
Michael W6
4 years ago
51 posts

Hi Keith - Your growing collection is a symptom of WAS, Whistle Acquisition  Syndrome. Most players have it. 

4 years ago
145 posts

I played recorders but wanted more volume, but something easy to play, (no keys), so tried a whistle.

Then, as is usual with me, I had to try different ones, so the collection grew..... whistle

P.S. I now also have keyless flutes/piccolos/fifes to go with them. winky

updated by @keith: 07/10/21 04:16:31AM
Michael W6
Michael W6
4 years ago
51 posts

How did you get interested inthe penny whistle?