the Goldfinch whistles are crated in Poland, made from a cream colored PVC with a black fipple plug. I have high D, C, Bb, G and a low C. They are tunable and have good tone. I suspect you'd be pleased with them.
What's your favourite whistle made of?
Goldfinch- not familiar with those. Are they white PVC like what I see when googling them? What key is yours in? They look very pretty in that cream color.
I also play a diatonic instrument by Seagul called a Merlin. Fun to play!
I don't know where you live, but if you could visit an Irish session you could see and hear different whistles. You might also attend a dulcimer festival in your area. A lot of dulcimer folks also like whistles. Let's hear it for diatonic instruments.
If you are considering getting a whistle made of a material other than brass or tin (plastic, aluminum, polymer, wood, etc), then be sure to do some searches within Youtube to get a preview of players playing these types of whistles before you order one. There are lots of great videos there comparing various whistles in different materials and brands. Though not quite as good or as accurate as playing them all in person, it's still a great (and free!) way to listen before you buy. It'll get you a little closer to narrowing down your preferences. It's how I wound up getting the whistles that have become my favorites.
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

So you think you're fooling us?
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
If I post in this thread my whistle aquisition won't look so bad.
I really wasn't intending to buy any more, although I would have liked another low 'F'.....
Guess what - an MK Kelpie low 'F' just came up for sale - now these are the bees knees when it comes to whistles - so I just had to add it to my collection.
It was priced at two thirds list price, is one year old, & has been hardly played, by someone who has a low 'D' Kelpie, which s/he prefers to play in their limited available playing time.
Well he did them previously, since I got one online a year ago. Maybe he would make you one if you contacted him via his website? He probably has heads for it already and would just need to make the tube in the right length/holes.
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
I haven't actually looked for an ABS in 'A' - just thought that I would likely be tempted to acquire one, if there was one available, but I don't think Tony Dixon does one in 'A', there isn't any on his website.
(There is a very nice aluminium 'duo' - I could be tempted to get one of those in 'C' - just for the times that I don't have the energy to hold up an 'A' whistle.)
updated by @keith: 12/19/18 12:54:42PM
I have one in A, Keith.. though I maybe wouldn't call it 'little'. ;)
It's a two piece tune-able black plastic, with the little 'ivory' plastic end ring on the tube. So he must make them... are you having trouble finding one for sale online?
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Chris, is that one a high D whistle, I'm assuming?
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
I like various ones but my current favorite material would have to be black polymer (ABS I guess they also call it). It has a mellowness that reminds me of wood whistles (which are too pricey for my budget)
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Being a newbie, I'm still searching for my favourite, but presently, it's brass.
I have brass & nickel Generations, a brass Feadog, an aluminium Waltons, brass Dixons, & an ABS Dixon.
(Soon I'll have an aluminium Dixon to try out too.)
So, what is your best/preferred whistle made of?